The Brief
I was tasked with creating a set of new corporate capability brochures for a London Property Project management startup whose existing logo and design output were dated and inconsistent.  
The brief asked for these documents to be totally refreshed and developed into a versatile template that could be utilised across the different sectors of the business and various pitch and sales situations. 
The first design problem was how to create something that looked fresh and modern whilst preserving their original geometric logo. The second was how to cohesively reflect the brand across all sectors of the business whilst still being able to clearly identify the function of each of these areas as well. 
The Solution
The solution to these problems was to reimagine how the existing logo could be utilised. 
In the past, the logo had been applied inconsistently and often as an ineffective adjunct to collateral. My solution to this was to flip these tired conventions on their head and use the logo as the basis for the format of the entire document.  
As such, each document was created as a perfect square, with the logo expanded to cover the entire front cover. Now the brand mark had become the document and the document had become the brand mark.  This solved the issue of inconsistency and lack of modernity in one. Then in order to represent different areas of the business, I defined a new secondary colours palette for each area of the business.

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