The Brief
The brief asked for the creation of a brand identity for a London based property management company. Their mission was to provide sensible and transparent property management advice and services in a notoriously unregulated and shady industry. The client needed the identity to appear unique and modern, yet to have enough gravitas to appear solid and trustworthy in the face of poor industry-wide practices. 
The Solution
The word Semita is a Latin word for 'pathway'. In order to represent this, a stylised pathway shape was created to enclose the brand texture as well as reflect the ‘S’ of the brand name. This adds further depth to the idea that the brand would literally lead you on a happy path through property management. 
Taking influence from the reflections seen in the fenestration of high-rise city buildings, I created an abstracted ‘brand texture’ that could act as a basis for a dynamic identity. This texture was then enclosed within a strong modern logo outline. This creates a vision of a rosy cityscape beyond the logo which added both depth to the design as well as implying the trustworthiness and modernity of the brand.

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