The Brief
This University brief asked for a personal brand identity and illustration to be created for use in promotional materials post-graduation. The brief asked that the piece reflect our own interests as designers, our skills and in some way ourselves. 
The Solution
In order to reflect my own personal interests, I was inspired by my love of packaging of the past particularly those found in my father's garage when I was a child. Taking this inspiration and combining it with the concept of a light bulb (reflecting the strengths of my ideas) I came up with a 1950's retro bulb design. 
These ideas manifested themselves through the use of flat blocks of muted colours and hatched lines to create form, along with classic advertising elements such as the use of ribbons and hard drop shadows in the title's text. 
In order to add a sense of modernity to the piece I deliberately chose not to texture the illustrations and added digital gradients to add depth and accent what could have been a very flat image. 
Furthermore, I created a somewhat nonsensical but communicative title of '2000W Tungsten Ideas'. I felt this added curious and playful interest to the piece and helped raise it from simply imitating past designs. 

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