 I have produced various works as the owner/designer for the UK-based e-commerce business Future Eden LTD. 
The company specialises in a broad spectrum of high-power, high-efficiency LED lighting and peripheral technologies. Their core promise is to offer trusted high-quality parts backed up with transparent and authoritative testing data to industrial and domestic customers. 
The images below are a selection of work produced during this period.  This ranges from the creation of a brand identity, all product photography, full website design (non-coded), technical drawings and sales collateral. 
Brand Identity
​​​​​​​The logo design centred on the idea of spectral power graphs and electrical pulse signals used within the lighting industry. This was then fused with an abstracted mountain landscape motif that looked to be reflecting in the water of a lake and set within a roundel representative of the world. The reference to technical graphs links directly to the companies' core product offer with the reference to the earth and the natural world reinforcing the important environmental benefits of efficient LED lighting.
The logo was deliberately produced as a brand patch design to allow for simple application onto electrical housing and stock boxes, alluding to the form of quality control/testing stamps. This reinforced the safety and quality assurances central to the brand's core values.
Additionally, a linear variant was produced to allow for subtle application on the website where the screen estate would be limited. Finally, several high-contrast colour variants were also produced to allow for the possibility of exciting high-impact sales and advertising collateral.
Brand Palette
The brand colours were built from the core brand 'Sea' blue. 
The choice of blue was very deliberate as is a colour closely linked to the environment as well as being associated with solidity, safety and reliability.  Given that the company exists in a marketplace saturated by cheap and often dangerous foreign imports the use of solid blue reassures the consumer of the legitimacy of the business and its products. Additionally, the allusions to sky and water are highly relevant to a large section of the customer base who often use the lighting for aquariums and horticultural purposes.
The varied high contrast secondary palette was chosen as a further reference to the myriad powerful coloured LEDs on offer, as well as allowing for the creation of dramatic and impactful sales collateral utilising multi-coloured gradients.
​​​​​​​Product Photography and Technical Illustrations
Alongside the identity, all product photography and technical illustrations/drawings were produced. The photography was typically at macro scale using a Canon 5D and 100mm prime lens. The technical drawings and illustrations were all produced in Abobe Illustrator and Indesign.
Pitch and Sales Collateral 
​​​​​​​Following the creation of the main identity, various items of sales collateral were produced. 
The design below was built around the concept of light and shade and demonstrates how the varied secondary palette could be used effectively as a high-impact gradient set against the brand black. The central roundel of the cover was used repeatedly and combined with other shapes to make a stylised silhouette of a street lamp viewed from above. 

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