Container Solutions Group
Roles: Art Direction, Conceptualisation, Graphic Design, Illustration
While working as the in-house graphic designer/art director for Container Solutions, I delivered various briefs for many stakeholders across the business and the 4 brands it owned; WTF is Cloud Native, Software Circus, CS labs and Cloud Native Transformation Patterns.  The projects below are typical of the projects undertaken for Container Solutions' brand, please click the links from above or the homepage to see more detailed work on individual sub-brands which formed the greater body of my work at the company. ​​​​​​​
Information Design/Presentations/Architectural Diagrams
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​One of the frequent design deliverables for Container Solutions was the creation of crystal clear information design for internal and external presentations. Stakeholders ranged from C-suite and sales to software engineers. These were typically delivered with very short deadlines and very 'loose' briefs often presented via an almost indecipherable photo of a whiteboard. The goal however was always clear - make the complex simple and understandable and beautiful. 
Event Promotions
During my time at Container Solutions, conceptualisation for conference lead generation was often at the forefront of my task list. An example of this is the concept 'Shift Happens', aimed at grabbing attention in tech conference environments. It playfully references the inevitability of technological evolution, a key theme in the 'Cloud Native Transformation' book by the company founders. This created conversation starters and 'double take' moments for viewers, drawing them to the counter.
Aside from CS brand events, I also organized other tech events, leveraging the sub-brands community appeal, like the pirate-themed Software Circus Boat Party with a human cannonball. Various promotional items were created for web and print.​​​​​​​
Editorial Illustration
As part of our CS content marketing strategy, I created original editorial illustrations covering various tech, strategy, and culture topics. These often tackled technical subjects, requiring creative approaches to convey core themes with engagement. For example, I connected business strategies with AI risk mitigation using characters 'Strat-E' and 'ACME.' These characters were integrated into a month-long series of posts, enhancing the overall theme and offering a compelling journey for the audience.

See also WTF is Cloud Native for many other examples, produced for Container Solutions as part of its monthly industry magazine. 
Growing the Ecosystem - Internal Marketing Concept Design
After an investment round, I visualized the founder's future vision, which was a holistic, philosophical text document. Recognizing a business as an ecosystem, I drew inspiration from Solar Punk, depicting the company and its components as parts of a city ecosystem. The company values formed the bedrock, with teams and people central to the vision. To address revenue, I introduced a river symbolizing sales, vital for business survival.

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