The Brief: 
The head of innovation approached me to create distinct branding for a few open-source cloud projects. However, during our initial meeting, I realized that there was a need for branding that extended far beyond just a few isolated projects. As a result, I proposed a more comprehensive brand identity project that could be used for all future open-source projects developed by in-house engineers once they gained traction on GitHub. 
The Solution:
Given the unique nature of the project and the unknown potential of future open-source projects, I developed a modular system of parts that revolved around the visual language of the central logo. Using this system, I created a cohesive brand identity system and guidelines, which were then applied to mini-site design, printed collateral and implemented on live projects. 
Logo and Icon Set
The logo design and icon informed one another. The brand system was created as a kit of parts that could be combined with one another to create effective messaging. 
The central logo for CS labs featured a laboratory bottle in the shape of a cloud, symbolising the nature of cloud-based software experiments.​​​​​​​
The explosion element was inspired by warning signs found on laboratory equipment and served as a metaphor for the brilliance of the engineers' explosive ideas.
The explosion element was inspired by warning signs found on laboratory equipment and served as a metaphor for the brilliance of the engineers' explosive ideas.
The final two icons featured two spanners forming the shape of people and a Frankenstein-like experiment. These icons allowed for the creation of different narratives to promote the project both internally and externally, with the aim of attracting new engineering talent.
Roll Out onto projects
The brand system was successfully rolled out onto several projects utilising the same single-line weight visual style, colour palette, and explosion visual device to tie it back to the central CS labs brand.

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